Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Worldwide Support Network for African Mothers

Professor Bayinnah Bello | Completing The Haitian Revolution - Pt. 1 of 2

Professor Bayinnah Bello | Completing The Haitian Revolution - Pt. 2

Haitian and Carribean Slavetrade History

Why is Haiti So Poor? Complete History of the Mostly Unknown Haitian Revolution

Who Said We Didn't Fight Back?....The Haitian Revolution

Jocelerme Privert Interim President of Haiti

AlcĂ©nat Zamor  Supreme Leader of Voodoo In Haiti

In Haiti: A road trip documentary (English)

Taste Of Haiti 2016

Dr Umar Johnson: The art of military science

Women's Economic Empowerment in Haiti

TEDxBayArea 12/08/11-Tayana Etienne-Building The Women's P2P Network..

The Women’s P2P Network was founded by Rachel Leventhal, a documentary journalist, whose 20 years of empowering women and girls to tell their stories was crystallized in a single moment:

yogaHOPE: Empowering Women in Haiti

Haiti Adolescent Girls Network

Violence against Women and Girls in Haiti: The Enemy Within

Jobs for Women: Putting a Wrench in Haitian Stereotypes

Haiti: Market Women Network

Haiti's market women - 80% of Haitian women - are engines for day-to-day commerce in Haiti.  They also carry news about current events, and serve as early warning systems for disaster, disease and violence.  To date, these lynchpins in the Haitian economy and society have not been involved or consulted in the nation’s rebuilding efforts.  Technology solutions have been developed by outsiders, without local women included, creating a loss of leverage for citizen participation and development in Haiti. 

Supporting Haiti’s Market Women: Creating economic opportunity, civil participation, and safety for Haiti’s “unconnected” women

The Women’s Peer-to-Peer Network: Market Women Program is designing and implementing a woman-friendly communications network to connect 55,000 Haitian market women located throughout the country.  We are working in partnership with Fonkoze, Haiti’s largest microfinance organization and Grameen Bank’s Haitian partner. Ultimately, the network will integrate over half a million women now excluded from ICT technology. The program is being led by Haitian women engineering students, with collaboration and support from the global women’s technical community.  The technology and services developed to connect Haiti’s market women will also be adapted and scaled to network the market women in other countries around the world.

Key Issues Facing Market Women

High rate of illiteracy renders the bulk of standard technological applications unusable to market women
Non-existent / extremely limited access to digital technology
Market women reside in rural areas, and travel to remote areas of Haiti
Physically and economically vulnerable population
Overcoming the Obstacles: How We're Doing It Without a means of collecting and tracking phone numbers, Fonkoze currently relays messages their women members by sending independent “credit agents” traveling by motorcycle through the mountains.
Without a means of collecting and tracking phone numbers, Fonkoze currently relays messages their women members by sending independent “credit agents” traveling by motorcycle through the mountains.

The Women’s Peer-to-Peer Network: Market Women Program is integrating mobile phones with community radio and voice applications, and creating local applications tailored to these entrepreneurial market women, with their active input and involvement.  Our program is helping isolated, illiterate women create sustainable businesses, driving Haiti’s reconstruction and development.  Market women are important links in Haiti’s society and economy -- as a key on-the-ground network in Haiti, market women act as human intermediaries to technology, enhancing safety and civic participation among the populace. 

Leveraging Haiti’s Networks

We are leveraging Haiti’s existing infrastructure to accomplish this goal:

Fonkoze’s country-wide network of over 55,000 market women
Fonkoze’s free call-in center
Haiti’s extensive community radio network of over 100 stations
Marketplaces and other community gathering spaces
Specific Appliations: Open Source, Infrastructure and Services

Voice plug-ins for Frontline SMS (Java-based apps) to allow illiterate women to send group voice messages, aggregated at existing radio stations and call centers
Mapping of markets, radio stations, and other social/commercial centers to document connectivity and work as a Crisis Response tool
Business applications such as the price of goods sold at markets
Response systems created for: violence reporting, disaster response, travel conditions and other needs
Phone number registry: To allow organizations, such as our partner, Fonkoze, to stay connected to members using voice-based auto-updating phone registries (market women frequently change phone numbers)
Global Collaboration: What We've Accomplished Together

Historic Hackathon – Cross-Border Collaboration & Community (Building)

The Women’s P2P Network executed the first, historic all-women cross-border  codeathon at the Anita Borg  Institute’s Grace Hopper Conference (November 2011), where Haitian women engineers and GHC participants together:
Created a prototype of the phone number registry for Fonkoze’s 55,000 market women
Created a global, online community platform for ongoing collaboration between in-country and global technical women
In-Country Market Women

Citizen reporting: Haiti team videotaped interviews with local market women
Conducted technology use surveys of women who are off the communications grid
Launched a summer internship program comprised of students from multiple Haiti universities
Education & Press

Women’s Peer-to-Peer Founder & Executive Director as featured speaker at Grace Hopper Conference (the largest technical conference for women) in 2011 and 2012
Now Annual Women’s P2P Network Codeathon at GHC 2012
TED Talk at TEDxWomen: A Celebration of Global Women Entrepreneurs on December 8, 2011

Bleed the beast and Support the only solution to injustice, "Black African Pan Nationalism"

List of assured and recognized Nationalist fundraisers

Supporting all these worldwide fundraisers would cost about 50 U.S Dollars. Give as much as you can, it all goes to support infrastructure for African American communities.
Our main donation page at OyoTunji African Village. We are raising $15 dollars per month via 100, 000 brave lionesses and lions, who are ready to support a Black Nationalist economy. $127,000,000 million in 7 years, lets keep it going strong. Click here: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Help save Gullah Gee Chee land. Fighting hard for African liberation since the 17th century, descendants of Angola, the Gullah Gee Chee people, managed to preserve some of their native tongue, their ancestry culture and pride. From slave revolts to freeing other slaves, civil rights struggle, Pan-Africanism, many of the members of the famed, "Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church" of Charleston are Gullah Gee Chee descendants. Because of the low state of economy of South Carolina's Low Country, government seizure of their lands and vicious taxation, many Gullah people are losing their lands. But you can help them out with a small donation. Here is their GoFundMe page: 
Dr. Umar Johnson's fund me page. Click here:
He is raising $5 Million dollars for a high tech private school for our young boys. If we could reach 300,000 people this would give Dr. Johnson his $5 Million for the school. A girl's school would be the next ideal mark and also Queen's club where our women can gather for they are the leaders of the family's interest.
Also support the Collect Black People Movement. They have a .27 a cent day, $8.10 fundraiser a month, they already have a thousand people signed up. Click here:
Much love for my believers on the Nation of Islam they also have a fundraising that's set at .30 cents day, about $10.00 a month. They are shooting for 16 million people, trying to raise about 250 million in a year. Click here:
For more info:
Empire Washitaw De Dugdahmoundyah. The Nation of ancient American Mound Builders they came before Columbus from Africa on Egyptian boats. Africans were sailing the seas for thousands of years. The Washitaw are ruled over, like the Gullah, by a Queen Mother, Her Highness Devine: Empress Wendy Farica Washitaw. Please show your support for their nation. We are only as strong as our weakest link as African Diaspora. The Washitaw donation page: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Please support all these Black Nationalists efforts to provide true economic freedom and total liberation for all African Diaspora. The hand has five fingers and they all must be strong, work in coordination, to build a stronger Diaspora.
Henry Garnett said, "If we are to bleed, then lets bleed all at once.
Those who have it to give should give large amounts. In the upper ranges of $250.00 one time. If we can get 10,000 people to give $250 that would be $2.5 Million to complete , His Royal Majesty Oba Adefunmi II's 7 year plan, all in month. So give now! Up you Mighty Nation-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Queen Mother of Africa, Her Royal Highness the Nnabagereka (Queen) of Buganda, Sylvia Nagginda Luswata. Please give $1.00 per household member and show your support for women and children of Africa. As we know women suffer the greatest on the weak political platform of Africa and children die in record numbers. The Queen Mother makes 3/4th of the Africa world, women and children, her first priority. Her example must be followed worldwide, Her Royal Highness the Nnabagereka (Queen) of Buganda, Sylvia Nagginda Luswata, is bringing is the change of Africa. Donate:
Our goal is $1 Billion, raised by all Africans worldwide, all languages and all ethnic groups.

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